Hollie Quinn


"Before trip"

New Travel Rules for Dogs Entering (or Returning to) the U.S. Take Effect This Summer

Before your trip

It’s a dog’s life when it comes to traveling with man’s best friend. More and more people consider their canine companions something they can’t leave home without – even when...

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Travel Tips as World-First Tourist Toll Takes Effect: Venice Visitors Must Now Pay to Enter City

Before your trip Venice, Italy

It’s historic travel news: in what the country’s tourism board is calling a “unique experiment,” the famous canal city of Venice, Italy, is implementing what it labels “a daily access...

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Beach Vacation Tip: What You Need to Know About Reef-Safe Sunscreen

Before your trip

Most of us are pretty careful about sun exposure when we travel on beach vacations these days. It’s hats and sunscreen all the way to protect our skin from the...

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